Daniel Pearl Education Center
Teaching Understanding and Cooperation
The Daniel Pearl Education Center at Temple B'nai Shalom (East Brunswick, NJ) is unique. It is a non-profit, charitable organization committed to the ideals of understanding and cooperation — those principles that are part of the legacy of the late Daniel Pearl. Pearl, the Southeast Asia bureau chief of The Wall Street Journal, was kidnapped and murdered by extremists in Pakistan on February 1, 2002.
Activities of the Daniel Pearl Education Center include:
- An annual trip to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC for Temple Banai Shalomas Bar/Bat Mitzvah class and the eighth grade class at East Brunswickas St. Bartholomewas parochial school.
- The development with NJ state officials of a state-sponsored workshop for educators, titled "How to Identify and Deal with Stereotyping" at Rutgers University, modeled after the DPEC as "Teaching Tolerance" symposium for 60 NJ and area teachers.
- In celebration of Daniel Pearl World Music Days, a global celebration, we annually host a unique musical program. Recent concerts have featured Brazilian jazz, big bands, klezmer, rock and roll, and classical and jazz piano.
- The advance US showing of "A Mighty Heart" the Paramount Vantage film, starring Academy Award-winning actress Angelina Jolie, about the capture and eventual murder of Daniel Pearl. The movie is based on the memoirs of his wife, Mariane.
- Support for the Co-Existence Festival in New Brunswick, specifically, the "My Sister" program featuring Holocaust survivor Gerda Klein and Iraqi feminist Zainab Al-Suwaij of the American Islamic Congress.
- A bat mitzvah celebration honoring then-83-year-old Ilse Loeb, a Holocaust survivor who, with the support of the DPEC, learned Hebrew and officiated at her bat mitzvah. Mrs. Loeb spoke about her life experiences at her bat mitzvah and also at a special assembly program for students in Temple Banai Shalomas religious school
- A videotaping program of area Holocaust survivors by teens.
- Daniel Pearl scholarships to graduating seniors at East Brunswick High School and Temple Banai Shalom.
- And much, much more.
For more information on an individual, corporate or foundation donation, contact Dr. Andrew Boyarsky, Daniel Pearl Education Center chairman, at 732-251-4300. Or send your contribution to Daniel Pearl Education Center, Temple Banai Shalom, Fern Road & Old Stage Road, East Brunswick, NJ 08816. Let's keep the legacy of Daniel Pearl alive for our children and for all of us.