Adult Education
“And the study of Torah is equal to them all.”
In the Talmud we read that the study of Torah is equal in value to all of the other commandments of Judaism. We join together as adults to study, reflect upon our Jewish teachings and texts, and see what lessons they can offer for our lives today.
Rabbi Eisenkramer teaches adult education at Temple B’nai Shalom which includes Sunday Bible & Bagel, Tuesday Night Torah and Wednesday Lunch & Learn. Topics range from Torah and Talmud study to Jewish theology, Jewish history, Reform Judaism and Israel. Guest speakers and classes enrich our learning. Every other year we offer an Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class, a year of study and preparation leading to an Adult B’nai Mitzvah service in the spring.
An Adult Judaic Education Lecture/Poetry/Discussion Series is also offered throughout the year. All are welcome to enlighten and enhance their Judaic knowledge.
All texts for Adult Education classes are provided in English. Come join us to study and be enriched!