Jewish Holiday
Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur: High Holy Day services led by Rabbi, Cantor and Choir welcome in the New Year and offer moments of peace and self-reflection. We observe 2 days of Rosh HaShanah, Tashlich and join together for a delicious “Break The Fast” at the end of Yom Kippur
“Supper in the Sukkah” and Sukkot Service: After dinner in our Sukkah, we shake the Lulav and Etrog and welcome in Sukkot in the Sanctuary.
Annual “Torah Tour” : During our Simchat Torah service as we read from the end and beginning of the Torah scrolls and dance with the Torah scrolls.
Purim Spiel:Come join us for the annual Purim Spiel and singing extravaganza!
Congregational Passover Seder: Enjoy a participatory and fun Seder with our Temple B’nai Shalom Family.
Shavuot and Confirmation Service: We celebrate the giving of the Torah as our 10th Graders lead the Confirmation Service
Yizkor Services: We offer Yizkor 4 times a year as is traditional, to remember our loved ones.